The calendar says ten months, my heart says 100 years, since I last saw his smile, felt his arms around me, heard his not so silly joke. I was told it gets easier, and in reality it does, I suppose, but in my mind and heart every day seems like a challenge.
Life is beginning to fall in place, plans are being made for my tomorrows and yes I get scared and nervous but I have a great support group with my great friends I have made here in Harmony.
As Bill's possessions leave here I am exited to know that the people who wanted will continue to use the things he loved and that in itself tells me that he will live on.
My friends Charlie and Kim will ride their bike with special items used by Bill when he rode his Harley, and that tells me Bill will continue to ride in style and be their Harley angel forever.
Flowers were placed upon his grave for the first time, it was difficult but I heard him say..."Honeybunny, thank you!" When I placed his hunting stick dressed with feathers he wore on our wedding day I heard him say, "Thank you honeybunny, now my spirit can fly free."
Watching over his grave is a little brown bunny, part of his legacy, in starting the unofficial "Shoot and Release Bunny Club." I still hear stories from these hunters as they end each day with a salute to Bill who always said, "Good day in the woods gentlemen."
Life goes on, sometimes with the most incredible pain in my heart and soul, one step at a time. I thank God each day for what I had with Bill, trust, honesty, companionship, and deep honest to goodness love.