Tempus fugit: Time flies!!
And it truly does, it seems like only a few weeks ago I was planning my winter escape from Maine because the Farmers Almanac predicted another harsh winter filled with lots of snow and "wicked" cold temperatures. So far I hear from family and friends snow fell in November and nothing but cold in December so I guess so far the Almanac was right.
Anyway, my road trip began on November 15th with my daughter Jodi, as we left the LumberJack Lodges in Harmony I seemed to be at peace with the decision to head south and spend time with my children and grandchildren and become a real grandmother, something I had never had the opportunity to be as all my children lived out of state.
The road trip was perfect, no snow, no bad weather to speak off, minimal traffic, of course I was not driving so to me it was minimal! Two dogs in the back seat, one who was prepared for the long trip and one who thought she was headed for an hour trip to see Aunt Vicki. Shanti did so well though I am truly proud of my little girl.
We arrived at my son's home in NC on Friday, the day after we left Maine, we should have waited for him to arrive home from work as his dog Liam, the boxer Pit, was doing his job in protecting his home and bit Shanti!! Fortunately it was nothing serious and she healed in a few days.
At my son's home I was able to get to know his two boys and to also see what a wonderful dad my son is. His life is composed around work and his boys, as it should be also caring for him home. Lots of work for a single dad but he does it without complaint.
Andre, Johnny and I had much fun together, getting to known each other is so many ways, AJ is an extrovert who loves to watch football and any other sport that come on TV. He kept me updated on plays and players since it had been about 12 years since I even watched a football game. Johnny on the other hand is an introvert and is usually off by himself playing a war game in the "bonus room". I am amazed at his "eye of the tiger" skills, however, I knew he had that skill when Bill told me long ago that Johnny is truly a marksman.
Life at Tony's was good, cooking for my three boys was great although I quickly learned that my cooking skills had depleted much since Bill died, a no brainer bologna sandwich is good enough for me when at home. I watched 3 dogs, Liam the boxer pit who chews anything and everything except the toilet and he would do that if he could drag it to his pillow near the fireplace. Liam a lab and pit who is gentle as an angel on four legs, her ultimate goal is to be a good girl and pray that Liam wont destroy anything. And of course my little girl Shanti who had a big adjustment to city life, neighbors, squirrels and other dogs.
Time fled by quickly and Shanti and I were on the road to my daughters in Georgia, where we will spend a few weeks. Her home is lovely and it looks like a nice neighborhood for her to be in, she is not too far from work and Shanti and Gomer, Jodi's dog get along fine.
And so my journey continues for the winter. Stay tuned for Chapter 2 in a few weeks.
In the meantime please accept my wishes for a wonderful 2015! May all your dreams come true!!
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